Diabetes Week

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers

It’s national diabetes week

Early detection and timely treatment can prevent the majority of diabetes-related vision loss, which is why improving access to eyecare, collaborative patient engagement strategies, leveraging technology to support best practice care and appropriate referrals are all key elements to reducing avoidable blindness for people living with diabetes

This is a systematic approach Specsavers started more than two years ago, including joining as a founding partner of the Australian diabetes eye screening program, KeepSight.

Now, with more 24 months of patient data, click the link below to see just how much of an impact this diabetes action plan has had in improving patient outcomes.


Specsavers Diabetes Action Plan



Working Regionally with Specsavers

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers 

Deciding to practise in a regional community can expose new optometrists to a variety of pathology and lifestyle opportunities.

Two Specsavers graduate optometrists discuss their decision to go regional, and the most important factors when it came to choosing their employer.




Exam Tips

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers 

Finishing your last exam and getting your degree are huge and exhilarating milestones. It only gets better when you start taking patients in and using all of those skills you learned at university. It’s not all easy going adjusting to this massive life change, in fact, it can be really stressful trying to juggle a new role in a new place with new colleagues. Here are five tips from Deakin graduate, and Specsavers Optometrist Emma Ingram, that can give you more time to enjoy everything you’ve worked for:





Glaucoma Detection

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers 

Six years after introducing a comprehensive, structured, and consistent approach to glaucoma detection, Specsavers data shows they have reduced the level of undiagnosed glaucoma among patients by at least 60%.

This video talks through Specsavers’ strategy to glaucoma detection, that is already making a vital impact on their patients sight.






Macula Month

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers 

May is Macula month


With one in seven Australians over 50 having some evidence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), early detection, diagnosis and treatment is paramount to preventing severe vision loss or blindness.

Which is why the introduction of OCT, enabling high-quality, cross-sectional analysis of the retina, has been such a game-changer when it comes to the detection and management of AMD.

Take a look at Specsavers’ data to better understand the role of OCT in diagnosing macular disease, as well what referral data is revealing about this condition.




Specsavers’ Information Evening Highlights

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers 

The Specsavers Graduate Recruitment Team has been busy hosting their annual Specsavers Information Evenings across ANZ over this past month.

Anitta from the Graduate team would like to thank all of the final year students who joined the UNSW Specsavers Information Evening on 17 March.

Read below for a summary of what the evening entailed, and what those of you in earlier year levels can expect from this first major Specsavers introduction when you are a final year student



Specsavers Graduate Program Part 2

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers 

When meeting early stage all the way through to final year students, the Specsavers Graduate Recruitment Team are often met with concerns from students about finishing University and entering the real world of Optometry.

Read below to find out more about the Specsavers approach to supporting their newly qualified optometrists in this transition from university to practice.




World Glaucoma Week

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers 

It’s World Glaucoma Week!

Long nicknamed the ‘silent thief of sight’, glaucoma is unfortunately still one of the major causes of vision loss in Australia and New Zealand, with up to 50% of glaucoma missed despite many patients having routine optometric assessments.

 Visit the Specsavers Health Hub to discover what Specsavers is doing to increase detections of early glaucoma and the new treatments being developed to prevent vision loss and blindness from the condition.


Specsavers Graduate Program

Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this post are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of UNSW OptomSoc.

Author: Specsavers 

The Specsavers Graduate Program is a two-year development program for graduate or recently qualified optometrists that offers a combination of professional events, courses, and experiences designed specifically to enrich professional life.

Click below to learn more about the program structure and hear from two current Specsavers graduates.

Specsavers’ approach to hiring graduate optometrists
