Seems like the same questions keep popping up? We’ll put it here for everyone to access!

How do I join UNSW Optometry Student Society?

You are automatically a member if you are studying Optometry or Vision Science at UNSW! Keep an eye out on events which will be promoted on Facebook.

For first year students, we run a BBQ at O-Week after the official School of Optometry and Vision Science Welcome. This event is a must as you will find out all you need to know about your degree, go on tours with your peer mentors and meet us!

How do I get involved in this society?

The executive team comprises of four final year students who take on the roles of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Elections run at the end of the year and are announced in the fourth year group Facebook page.

There are also opportunities in final year to join sub-committees to organise Cruise, Hoodies and Eyeballs.

Year representatives are the voice of their year group. They work closely with the executive team and attend regular meetings with the School. Four year representatives are also elected within each year group. Elections are conducted within the first few weeks of Semester 1 and will be announced in each year’s Facebook group.

I am still in High School but interested in studying Optometry. Where can I find information about the course?

You can find information about the course at https://www.optometry.unsw.edu.au/future/undergraduate. For any further questions you may have, it is best to contact the school directly at optometry@unsw.edu.au.

The annual UNSW Open Day is also a good place to find all you want to know.