The University of New South Wales Optometry and Vision Science Society (UNSW OptomSoc) is a student volunteer-run society that represents all UNSW Optometry and Vision Science Students with a mission to advocate for and enrich the university experiences of our members.
UNSW Optomsoc is the foundational bridge linking the student body with the Faculty of Medicine and industry stakeholders. We aim to foster the development of students’ clinical skills, encourage social involvement and form lasting connections with the wider optometry community and industry partners of the future. We strive to provide students with networking opportunities with other peers, academia, universities across Australia, and industry professionals throughout each student’s university degree.
We are led by six dedicated final year students who work alongside year representatives from each grade, and final year committee such as the Eyeball Committee and Social Committee.
The 2024 team includes:
President: Justin McNamara
Vice President: Leyna Nguyen
Treasurer: Phoebe Shou
Secretary: Rosanna Lee
Events Coordinator: Nathan Lee
Marketing Director: Amy Odisho

From left to right: Nathan Lee, Phoebe Shou, Justin McNamara, Leyna Nguyen, Amy Odisho, and Rosanna Lee
Our activities and initiatives are only possible with the support of generous sponsorship, and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors for their continued interest and contribution to the UNSW Student Optometry Society.
We all look forward to getting to know all of you and making 2024 the best year to date!